December 18, 2009


It was earlier yesterday that the Islas final elections begun, mere days after the primaries ended (if any time at all). While Mr. Bertilson's vote was instantly cast for the Hunter-Taylor campaign, he continued to have doubts.

"I believe that Islas elections have obviously become something many of us wish to avoid, perhaps never to happen again. Some of us even look back on the days of John Ahern, when executions were common, and people enraged...but not as they are today. I can honestly say I've doubted more than once whether to vote at all. Both campaigns have provided little or nothing that puts them above their opponents. In short, Islas elections no longer are enjoyable bouts where campaigns bound to the most humorous principles made cheerful jabs at each other, never actually meaning any harm or even offense. Remember the Burns campaign? If not, I suggest you reread his campaign statement. In one sense, he had so much more than we do now. In another, less meaningful way, he had much, much less. I believe Mr. Burns epitomized, to some extent, what an Islas campaign ought to be like.

"I can honestly admit that my main reason for voting for the Islas Republic was for spite, if I know any vocabulary. I originally abhorred the idea of a ministry, as opposed to a presidency. However, eventually, my reasons became even less just. My reasons for voting at all, right now, are few and shallow. I believe many proponents of the Gelenyse-Bertilson campaign could say likewise. If not, I count myself alone in this foolishness.

"I once queried contacts, in a fairly light way, 'What if the reason Islas elections are so not that they're only for fun?' I would honestly hate it if we couldn't continue this in some way, or that we could effectively improve the entire atmosphere of Islas elections. Like the human race, there is something intrinsically and necessarily wrong with them. Perhaps it's that humankind, only, are participating. Perhaps.

"However, I wish to reconsider the purpose of Islas elections. The Gelenyse-Bertilson campaign introduced a potential future policy (call it what you like, if you use it for a campaign platform, you politicize it, and possibly decrease its future effectivity) for Islas, one, without any doubt, that was a reasonable, good proposition. I need not harp on the flaws of this plan, and how it was introduced. I have before. I do, however, believe that it provides no reason to vote Gelenyse-Bertilson. It only proves the mild genius of a well-respected and intelligent group of supporters.

"Likewise, the Hunter-Taylor campaign has provided little reason to vote for them. I can't remember a single valid, non-bribe incentive in all our campaigning and arguing (of which the latter easily overwhelm the former).

"What are the Islas elections for? To have a fun time pretending to have power, but it being thoroughly obvious that we have none? To actually change Islas, the structure of power, and why we exist? I believe Islas should not be changed by the system or systems set up by the elections. I believe they should only be there for our amusement and, occasionally, to varying degrees, our annoyance. I believe John did a fairly good job of this, and we forgot what it was like much, much too quickly.

"I honestly wish I had rejoined the race before the Hunter-Taylor band formed. Either that, or I should have quit, denying all my vote."

Some of us didn't have a taste for long oratories, and had relocated ourselves, and our laptops, under our desks, so as not to insult Mr. Bertilson's abilities.

The election stands at 14-7, HT-GB.


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