February 18, 2009

An Ode to Stupidity (1 of 10)

01. O fates, why do you toss me thus?
My mouth informed the ignorant,
and to me brought my loss.

02. O fates, you compass me, bringing my hopes to zilch
but why, O fates, must you prohibit the filch?

03. With tired eye and aching hand,
my words onto this blog do fly,
fly back they may, with foul intent, 'twas not mine.

04. My mouse, itself unliving,
doth come to life, hate well weilding,
to bring my efforts to my undoing.

05. My deeds, they serve me sorely,
crushing my dreams, dismembering my wishes,
unheeding and unkindly, they assail me.

06. My words flee from their master, I,
purposeless, chaotic, horrible beasts,
devious, backstabbing, they fly.

07. To relate these woes in song and verse,
does no justice to their worth,
they betray me, break me, attack me.

08. With fine and useful keyboard I wrote them,
penning with pixel what ink would not,
creating with the key what the author thought.

09. O, the winding path of fate,
it causes a man to come forth in glory once,
then, when his back is bent, his hair gray,
stabs him in the back, with horrid b'tray.

10. An Ode to Stupidity, that I write.
These words, I hope, will betray naught,
but, for safety's sake, one would be wise,
to include include cake with his daily fries.


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