February 25, 2009


In a (not) stunning turn of events, Mr. Denhoed, judge extraordinaire and all that rot, decided, all of the sudden, that Mr. Bertilson was "in contempt of the court". Mr. Denhoed wasn't given the chance not to comment, but ignored Mr. Bertilson's surprising and stunning use of his "BLOCKHEAD" title to adjourn the court until the charges became more clear, the virdict more fickle, and the judge less numskulled. Mr. Bertilson, not yet in custody, was available for comment, saying, "It really is unprecedented that a judge would overrule the 'BLOCKHEAD' call for adjournment. It's never happened before in Islas history, if my memory serves me right. It's a title won by careful conduct and kind words. It's a title carried by a long line of honorable men, inhindered by petty dictators and all that rot. The Ahern Embrey administration, and all its employees, is clearly unfamiliar with this title and its unequalled prominence. charges against me have thusfar proven none but petty, not better than random, and uncommonly unjust. This said, however, Mr. President does make quite fine Youtube videos for those many Islasers who seem to have been brainwashed, having, seemingly, no sense left in their heads." Bertilson finished, saying, "I also wonder what form of capital punishment will be chosen for me; Mr. Denhoed will probably choose something fast and boring, like a shot to the head, say, or the electric chair. All proper judges would definitely choose something more elaborate. However, I, as chief and only offical blockhead of Islas, do find myself incapable of participating in nearly all forms of execution, as, first, I'm just too cool to die, second, blockheads' necks don't easily fit into guilliotines, and third, twinkies are better fried."
Our team seemed slightly confused after this, but a few of them seemed happy for a revolution, which seemed, somewhat, to be what Mr. Bertilson was talking about. After taking a second trip and asking, however, we came up with another answer. "Definitely not. Revolution is the means by which to throw off the yoke of petty dictators, not the likes of John Ahern.
For some reason, I recall having seen several posters in his house, with varied textual implimentations of the words, "Vive la Revolution". My memory seems to fail me.

Your serious, capitally convicted, and in all other ways, happy, writer,



Lillian Taylor said...

Heheh. Have a happy de.a:t>h. ;)

Ruthie said...

*crying* O my.

"Mr. Denhoed wasn't given the chance not to comment, but ignored Mr. Bertilson's surprising and stunning use of his "BLOCKHEAD" title to adjourn the court until the charges became more clear, the virdict more fickle, and the judge less numsculled."

"However, I, as chief and only offical blockhead of Islas, do find myself incapable of participating in nearly all forms of execution, as, first, I'm just too cool to die, second, blockheads' necks don't easily fit into guilliotines, and third, twinkies are better fried.""

Numbingly brilliant.

Lillian Taylor said...

Very brilliant. Did you read the thing Gregory wrote on his blog?

Man, these Bertilsons... They're too smart. =P

Иơαħ said...

Thanks, Lilly and Ruth! I love writing this stuff.
