September 17, 2008

McDonalds providing resources for gay and transsexual health "needs"

A certain friend of mine recently notified me that McDonalds is "supporting" various homo and trans-sexual "agendas". At first, I thought this might be a phony forward, but, with a couple of Googles, I knew it was true. Upon reading slightly more into the issue, it seemed that McDonalds was providing resources for healthcare that would only be used by homo or trans-sexuals. This, I think, could be said to be "aiding the homo and trans-sexual agendas", as many other news-sources reported.

I also found that McDonalds had joined the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, an organization which supports "...economic opportunities for the gay and lesbian business community...", said McDonalds in a response to Amarican Family Association's Action Alert Newsletter. 

I think I'd argue that saying McDonald's now has a "homosexual agenda", as many have put it, is accurate, yet...overdone. The problem in this is not that we're giving homo and trans-sexuals the opportunities of any normal person, it's that they're giving them special support and healthcare which only homo or trans-sexuals will want/need. Yes, they're different. Yes, they will want these certain healthcare things, but are Christians asking for anything but to be allowed to believe what they believe and do whatever the Bible allows? No. So far, we've asked for no prayer areas in airport terminals. And we shouldn't, because we don't need them.

Why should we pay for something we don't support? We can pay for our own healthcare, but if we pay for healthcare that we are morally obligated not to pay for, we are aiding Satan in his vain attempt to bring more from the Prince of Light. Services that allow them to "be themselves", I suppose they might say. Supporting such movements or provisions is taking a baby step toward what could eventually become a modern-day persecution of not only the Church, but everything we stand for.

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