February 03, 2015

Up in the Air

February 3rd, 13:23

I just boarded my flight to Houston about an hour and a half ago, without much trouble; this is my first time off the ground...I can't think of an occasion I've flown or even dropped from anywhere outdoors. Anyway. I'm flying. I keep wondering what the cities are below me, but I can't really find out, as the in-flight Wi-Fi isn't complimentary. Dispicable.

I would hazard a guess that one of the bigger cities we passed was Oklahoma City, but when I looked at my phone's GPS, we were closer to Ponca City, which doesn't seem that big at all. Anyway, I'll be in Houston within a couple hours and then I'll have to figure out how to get on the Singapore Airlines flight; hopefully there will be less trouble being that I got through Delta's lines and confirmations. I don't really know how this works, but I know that at least Delta needed to have my visa approval letter in order to give me my boarding pass, which caused my initial difficulties and resulted in my being late to my scheduled flight, and consequently being scheduled for a flight this morning.

My phone really isn't made for long trips like this; it is unfortunatley not blessed with a long-lasting battery, despite its other qualities.

I've begun listening to my Starred playlist on Spotify from the beginning, i.e. with the first songs I starred first played first. I've felt a bit off here and there, but I haven't gotten enough sleep, and this leg of my trip isn't really long enough, nor the conditions ideal, for a good sleepytime.

I'm writing this at the time listed above, but this will be posted either when I arrive in Houston, or on the flight to Moscow.

Moscow. Interesting.


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