February 04, 2015


February 5th, 15:49 (central)

Just landed in Singapore; we came down through the clouds to a sea of lights; there were what seemed like hundreds of ships alight in the water in the night, spaced fairly evenly throughout a bay or harbor. As we came over the city, I saw cars driving on the left side of the road instead of the right, and knew I was in a different world.

The buildings I saw as we came down seemed to have lights arranged very linearly; coming down, it almost appeared science-fictiony, the apartments dotted in matricies of white dots of light.

We'll be getting off soon, so I may post this and previous updates soon.


I've arrived at Changi Airport in Singapore, where the carpet is about as weird as you can imagine. There's plenty of open space, which I like, and the help desk people informed me where my flight would depart from. I won't be able to check in for another hour and a half, so I'll probably get some food or something in the meantime.


1 comment:

A. Flaming said...

How are they weird? The carpets?