September 23, 2009

Your Weekly Cryptic Number Sequence v. 2!

Ok. The solution, if you can call it that, for the previous one was this...

The numbers are simply the products of two consecutive primes squared, i.e. (1x1)*(2x2)=4, (2x2)*(3x3)=36, etc, etc. I'm sorry if these things are confusing and, hem, overly cryptic, but these things interest me sooo flippin' much.


0, 0, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 5, 1, 5, 3, 1, 3...

This sequence, I think, doesn't, at least the way I computed it, have anything to do with squares.



Erin said...

4, 36, 225, 1225, 11858, 20449, 48841...

(1x1)x(2x2) = 4
(2x2)x(3x3) = 36
(3x3 = 9)x (4x4=16) = 144.
Sorry, man, you goofed. =(
Or maybe I just misunderstand. THis don't make any sense. :P

Иơαħ said...
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Иơαħ said...

Oh, ouch. Sorry. I meant to say consecutive primes squared. Thus, continuing from my post, it'd go, (3x3)x(5x5)=225, then 1225, I think it goes, and so on. Sorry again for the confusion, Erin. *should check these things before posting them*
