May 14, 2009

I Hate Windows

For good reason. Let me carefully, exhaustively, and, above all, biasedly set out the many ways in which it torments me.

First and foremost, it's Windows. For those of you who understand this, good. For those of you who don't, it's even more elemental than a hate of someone merely because they exist. It's much less complex, but much more potent.

Second. The idiotic fact that, because it's most popular, most games only run on Windows. If it weren't for games, I would have little or no reason to have Windows on any computer of mine. Ever. I kind of wish I didn't enjoy playing games, but, as I am, I do.

As I speak, I'm scanning my Windows partitions for viruses. For the third, fourth, perhaps fifth time.

Third. The price. I don't need to say more, but I will. Look, I may be a mere teenager, and thus not hugely wealthy, but even so, the most popular operating system should be the cheapest, naturally falling reasonably short of free, of course. Ninty dollars for the cheapest you can get is more than four times what I want to spend on an OS. If it weren't for Linux in general, and Ubuntu in particular, I'd have to spend that outrageous amount of money. Ugh.

Ubuntu, as it is now, is at least as stable as Windows XP, and probably four times more stable than the average Windows Vista installation.

This considered, of course, one wonders why Linux isn't more widely used. Thankfully, many computer manufacturers are now shipping some of their computers with Ubuntu pre-installed, Dell most notably.

Give Microsoft a reason to want your buisiness, and perhaps they'll come up with a satisfactory product. Windows 7? I hope so.

*stalks off in the direction of his Windows partitions, lividly carrying a shotgun*




Stella said...

I like Windows...because I have no choice but to like it...

Anatole said...

I like Windows too... but mabye I could meet Mr. Ubuntu.