April 23, 2010

The Fool

Fool alone
under a cone

did try sometimes
to live without

too far he kept himself
too distanced he was

and yet so close he became
'twas folly, perchance,
but folly his alone.

No friend distinguished
did he keep
but one

Asked he his friend,
"Wilt thou likewise abandon?"
though he the answer knew.

Fool the few did crowd,
and did hold too close
but the closest left behind.

Wanting, he lost,
dreaming, he awoke,
wishing, he did not receive.

Fool slept at ten,
rose at one,
Father Time no notice took.

With no hook,
fool went fishing,
caught a pearl
and they danced.

A car the fool
near overran
he knew his trouble was too great.

The greatest winds,
the pearl said,
must be told!

Agreed, the fool did,
and spake to the winds!
Hard task he had,
but took it he did.

The happy fool
still loved the pearl,
but fool he was,
heart asunder.

The fool later
found another
brighter maybe?
He would not judge.

What good would he do?
None knew, surely not him.

Did he do none?
He still knows not.


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