January 18, 2009

Who'd Want to Be A Christian Unless They Wanted To?

I just decided that, because I haven't posted in a while, and because my head may not contain all the critizism that this idea can receive, I'll post it.

The idea came to me a few days after breaking into a cold sweat, wondering whether I really was saved, or not. It may not comfort you as much, but, I'm not in a cold sweat right now. Except my hands. And that happens whenever I try to convey an idea or opinion to a comparatively large audience.

Sadly, the title kind of gave the whole thing away. I was almost completely consoled from the doubts I was having when I realized that few non-Christians would break into cold sweats, worrying whether they
were Christians. I totally understand how unreassuring this could be to some, but, to me, it allowed me to feel quite more sure of my faith.

Conclusion? Basically, and, in my worldview, assuming you believe in Jesus Christ as your one and only savior, if you worry about your Christianity, you're probably a Christian. This argument is not meant to settle a lot of things, but it sure helped me.

I doubt I thought of it first, either...

Your slightly enlightened, somewhat worried, and non-generically unwise writer,



Anonymous said...


Some people might want to be CHristans for the security and benefits of it, but not actually want to really be part of it.

Just saying.

I do believe that you are saved, Noah. You shouldn't fret over it.

Anonymous said...

Clarify. They might want people to think that they were saved and might want to be part of it, and they might want Jesus as a back up, but they dont' actually want the committment

So I guess that doens't actually apply.

Anonymous said...

Food for thought! I can relate. Here's comfort in song: Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine....oh what a foretaste of glory divine!