November 07, 2009


It was yesterday, we learned, that Mr. Bertilson attempted to turn on Quivie de Salsa, and was greeted by a blank, unchanging blue glow from her well-worn scroll wheel. Mr. Bertilson offered explanation.

"It was really a shock yesterday when she didn't properly start up. She had been acting slightly strange for a while, her buttons being well-battered by my rather uncaring hands, but I hoped, if not expected, her to last longer. It's a lot like when you're in a war, and you can't figure out how someone you lost was lost. It just doesn't make sense."

A sad story, we could all admit. Mr. Bertilson's MP3 player was given to him less than a year ago.

"Which is very sad, I have to admit. My camera's predecessor lasted more than a year. Quivie was a tough thing. I'd dropped her a bit and I haven't been exactly tender on her buttons and scroll wheel. It doesn't make sense that she'd just whack out like this at such a crucial time."

Mr. Bertilson looked farther sad, but soon brightened up.

"On the bright side, I might choose a different running mate, and thereby might enjoy slightly more support. I'm sure she'd want me to."

Mr. Bertilson was nodding in a intrinsically sage way for the next several seconds, in which he ushered us kindly to the door.

De Salsa dead? We hoped not. Her character might not have been a well-known one, but we knew how Mr. Bertilson loved her.



Lillian Taylor said...

Poor Quivie!!

Anatole said...
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Anonymous said...

**cries** Can I go to her funeral?
(if time allows and travel...)

Lyss said...

You abusive running mate, this was your plan all along, to get rid of her so then YOU could run for prez instead! You were JEALOUS. Evil!

Иơαħ said...

This accusation only lends credibility to the notion that matchmakers eventually go completely loopy.


Lyss said...

That, my friend, is a Red Herring. You said yourself that you "Dropped" her and haven't been "tender". YOU were abusive, don't deny it!
Being the matchmaker has nothing to do with this, you murderer!

The Tolkienist said...

As much as it hurts me to say this, I have to agree with Lyss. *falls on sword* I don't think it was a coincidence. She was a good MP3 player, and you killed her.

Is she interested in haunting you? Get her in touch with the Department of Undead Welfare. She might even be able to continue running for pres on a strong pro-ghost rights platform.

Иơαħ said...

No, I'm afraid I can't imagine her wanting something like that.

Once again, let me make this absolutely clear. Quivie is not dead. She is simply in something not unlike a coma. I can assure you that I am doing everything in my power to attempt to rejoin her with the land of the living.

As for dropping her, I'm sorry, it's true, and it was not what put her in this sad state. However, I did do something recently to her that I can't quite remember that, I think, was the cause of her current state.

It should be obvious that this occasion gives me nothing but great grief and regret. Were she to spring up and act as any living MP3 player should, I would welcome her back to the land of the living and ask her if she still desired to run with me.

Put quite simply, I could have done better, and hope I will in future days. I hope Sparks will last decidedly longer. Poor chap. He must be worried shutter-nutty.
