October 01, 2009


Sorry. I've got all sorts of...WO! I never noticed that! Sorts has RTS in it! *whacks out*

Anywho, I decided to START a list of the Reasons I'm Still Alive. I've thought of doing this in graphical form, but my writingish self jumped the gun.

1. God. Duh.
2. Homemade Mac and Cheese.
3. Screwdrivers.
4. Socks.
5. Peanut Butter sandwiches. Preferably honey, but jelly works fine.
6. Back scratches! Good grief, it's got to have been a whole decade since I had a satisfactory one of 'em flippers.
7. Quivie! She may be breaking down, sadly, but she's done a whopping epic job of entertaining me in boring times, and drowning out irate siblings, occasionally! I hope she hasn't provided means to ruin my ears, though. That'd be sad.
8. Carrots!
9. Mushroom clouds.
10. Cheap laser pointers that require a couple hundred batteries to run for more than a year!
11. Ubuntu, as well as other flavors of Linux.
12. MicroSD cards! Augh, are they tiny.
13. Blender!
14. the GIMP!
15. Inkscape!
16. Uh...my mouse! I just love the thing! If only it'd last a whole decade. Then I'd give the thing a proper burial or put it on display for years to come!
17. Squares, like four and sixteen! *freaks out*
18. Cheap second-hand Dell desktops!
19. The drool-swabbers in electronics stores!
20. Music!
22. Jeans!
23. The rare urge to do all my schoolwork for the week in one day!
24. The occasional epic teacher!
25. The ever-recurring urge to change topic from schoolwork!
26. Apple earbuds! They rock!
27. This blog!
28. My family! (precedence collapsed around bullet one, FYI...)
29. Writing! Darn it, I love that stuff.
30. Keyboards. Dude, I hate using a pencil or pen and paper.
31. Gmail! I so owe Google.
32. 32 is not a square.
33. Numbers in general.
34. The radioactivity sign thingy.
35. Thoroughly retro implementations of games like XGalaga: Hyperspace. Dune 2000! Age of Empires: the Rise of Rome!
37. XCKD!
38. Compiz Fusion! (if you don't know what this is, 90% of the appeal of Linux to average people is entirely unknown to you. Don't Youtube it if you've used Windows your whole life.)
39. Rippin' computers apart, especially, but other stuff too. AND THEN PUTTING THEM BACK TOGETHER!
40. Can't stop here.
41. MY CAMERA! (Canon Powershot SD780, if you care) The urge to take a picture isn't as frequent with me as others, but I still hate not to carry the thing with me at all times.
42. Monster old CRTs that can do 2048x1536, automatically and instantly pwning anything in the same price range. Actually, there's nothing in that price range to pwn. It's kind of sad, but, at the same time, totally awesome. I got my current CRT for 2 bucks. Seriously, finding an equal or better monitor for ten times the price would be like looking for a single, specific transistor in a Core i7.

Don't worry, only I was meant to understand allll of that. More to come, probably. *coughagain*

*EDIT* And, no, I did not stop at fourty-two for any reason except that I couldn't think of anything really quickly and felt like doing schoolwork instead.



Noah said...

You are dumb.


Иơαħ said...

Any of my alter-egos could do a better job of forgery than that.


Иơαħ said...

Do you mean like this?


Иơαħ said...

That's significantly more like it, but I happen to be a registered Blogger user. You seem to be a step short of anonymous. Even if you were one of my alter-egos, you'd either be lying definedly more outrightly, or telling the truth like nothing else.

Also, my alter-egos have long tired of deriding me. It's rather unlikely they'd do anything of the sort.


Anonymous said...

Incredibly simple of you, alter-ego. You really ought to know better. Blockhead.
