October 22, 2008


Throughout this election, and a few before it, for some reason, polititians, and hemhem, a hockey mom from Alaska, have utilized the name "Joe", or "Joey", as was the case with Mr. Biden. This obviously shows a total disrespect for said name.

...or does it?

No, actually, Joe the Plumber, Joe Six-pack, and Joey the Gas Station manager...are real people. And, therefore, Joe, and most variations, are being empowered and...um...enfranchized? I dunno.
Oh. And Harry Reid said something about a certain Tommy a while ago...

Joe the Plumber and Joe Six-Pack easily beat Joey and Tommy.



Anonymous said...

Noah, you need to stop trying to write like World or National Review, cause it doesn't work.

Иơαħ said...

I've never read eitehr. *tonguestickout*
