June 06, 2019

To Torrington

So, today Grandpa, Grandma, and I woke up in the Holiday Inn and Suites in Torrington, Wyoming. We travelled from Minneapolis beginning late Tuesday morning, and we've been on the road since then until yesterday, early afternoon.

We're here for Grandpa's 70th high school reunion, but the unfortunate fact of the matter is that we don't know where it'll be, when it'll be, or if it's even happening at all. Grandpa neglected to bring his invitation along, so we only really have a couple things to go on: the woman who was setting up the reunion and sent the invitation (I think), the high school itself (they might know about reunions, I assume), and Grandpa's fantastic idea of driving up and down main street, shaking locals by the shoulders until we get the information we're looking for.

How could we fail.

I took a badly-needed shower last night, and this morning while trying to get my hair to behave, realized it's time for another haircut. The last one I got was pretty excellent, actually, so I think I'll try to go the same place and see the same stylist...but that'll have to wait until I get home.

Grandpa tells me that the woman organizing this works at a museum locally.

This is the route we've taken so far, basically Google Maps' recommendation except for going south on 35W (spent about 20-30 minutes in traffic) and taking a detour yesterday afternoon into Scott's Bluff in Nebraska. We took some lovely shots, including the below, which Grandpa graciously took of me.

At this point, the plan is to visit the Homesteader's Museum in Torrington, where Grandpa says "they should know if there's something going on." Here's the Google street view of that location:

I guess if we're able to find something there, we'll be able to go there and see what we see.

It's a bit unfortunate that we didn't plan this a bit better, to know where we were going and what we wanted to see, but our plan initially was to see the Badlands, the Black Hills, Custer State Park, and Mount Rushmore on the way out, but it seems more likely that we'll see those things on the way back, likely with a stop in Custer or its State Park, possibly in a nice lodge or cabin up there.

Somehow I caught up on my devotions this morning and got in my physical therapy exercises last night, so hopefully I can keep up with all of that. My appointment the morning we left added a couple exercises onto my regimen and they're daily instead of every other day, which is a little more difficult to work in.

Here's a shot of Grandpa on Scott's Bluff.

Thanks for reading; I'll try to update as soon as I can.

Pray for Grandma and Grandpa, they're doing alright, but a trip like this is no longer easy at their age.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice to hear about your trip! Grandpa sounds like a bit of a character, in a good way. I hope you ask lots of questions. It's great that you are there where you can see the places and maybe some of the people from stories of his youth. I hope grandma is holding up ok. Beautiful country! So expansive and restorative after cubicleland. Don't forget to take your shoes and socks off sometimes and feel the earth on your skin. Evidently that's called "grounding" and it's really good for us. I just read that yesterday but I am going to do it today.