March 05, 2009

Homosexuality: Right or Not?

Ok. First, I'd like to be clear. I am not homosexual. It truly makes me cringe to think any of my readers ever thought that. However, I do wish to make a few notes on, I guess, how Christians ought to go about opposing homosexuality and the unions created thereby.

I really do wish homosexuality didn't exist. It is utterly beyond my comprehension why I would ever be attracted to a man in a way remotely similar to that which attracts me to girls. I have never seen any boy or man who I would ever be attracted to in that way, nor, I hope, ever will. The idea really disgusts me, more than marrying woman who, merely for instance, has no limbs. This idea shakes my backbone, but loving a man in a way similar, even vaguely, to the way in which I hope to love a much worse.

This said, however, I believe homosexuals have the inalienable right to do this, what we consider an abomination. How could they not? It is not unlawful. It does not physically harm anyone. Emotional harms and socialogical harms, to us, are obvious, but, to our culture, can we prove this? Can we prove to our sinful culture that this abomination actually and really harms real people in meaningful ways? If so, will they care? I think not.

I believe homosexuals have the right to be homosexuals. I honestly think that, if homosexuality is banned anywhere, it shouldn't be. If you disagree, tell me why. I can't see why it should be banned. The Bible says so? What can we do about that?

Your hope-inspiring, nervous, and worthlessly confusing writer,



Anonymous said...

Good for you. :)

There's enough hate in the world already.

Jet Three said...

"I believe homosexuals have the right to be homosexuals."

Rights shmites... c'mon, man. What is a "Right" anyway? It just allows you to do something without being condemned and locked up. They ought be condemned and locked up. The whole lot of 'em. Yes, the bible says so. Take a peek at Leviticus 20:13 next time you have a moment. What can we do about it? Heck, I guess you're right on that point. We can pray, and disagree when people say they should have rights *hem,* and we can make our own good examples. I guess that's it. If you ever become president, Sir Noah, take care and don't defend homosexuality? ^_^
Take care,
Your hope-inspiring, confident, and bluntly simple respondent.

Иơαħ said...

Dear X,

Look. If homosexuality a conscious, thoughtful decision, or a part of yourself that, "you can't change"? If it is the latter, denying them the right to be homosexual is more than outright stupid. If that's true, it's perfectly and uncommonly numbskulled to outright outlaw homosexuality. If it is the former, then is it not an infringement on their freedom of thought to do that? One cannot moderate thought. It is simply impossible. If you look at it that way, even then, outlawing homosexuality is just plain insane. If you think not, I think you should read up on the Inquisition. Not that I really have much.

Look. I'm not defending homosexuality as right (something good), but as a right (something every human has the inalienable right to do). My defence of homosexuality is not to promote it, but to say those who attempt to deny people the right to be homosexual are infringing on their freedom of thought. (as I believe that it is a conscious decision that one can turn away from)

I only argue for homosexuality when it's denied from people. If I fun for president, I will make it absolutely clear I do not want to ban homosexuality. It's their right to be homosexual, just as much as it is my right to steal, say, Kisses from my sister. I want to make marriage defined as one man one woman, yes, but making homosexuals not be homosexuals is not the government's job.


The Tolkienist said...

*Ahem* "run* for president." *couldn't resist*

I don't think "right" is the term to be used here. Perhaps "free will" might work better, because we don't have a right to sin, only the free will to sin. "Right" implies that what one has the right to do is right, which homosexuality is not.

Anonymous said...

Here's my take (which is, for once, remarkably similar to yours).

It's wrong. Very wrong. The Bible doesn't say that God detests it for nothing.

Loving someone is wanting what's best for them, and homosexuality is certainly not the best for any involved parties. So a loving person would want them to change. For a real change to occur, however, the person's heart and mind must be transformed by God, not by government.

So, no, I don't think that there should be a death penalty or jail time or anything associated with homosexuality.

I do NOT, however, think that it should be in any way condoned or endorsed by the government or society. Tolerating it (temporarily) is one thing, accepting it is another.

It should be allowed (in that we're not killing people over it), but no provision for it should be made.

And this is a very lenient view. The Mosaic Law is much more strict.

Иơαħ said...

TT, I can sort of agree. The idea is that they aren't punished for it. It shouldn't be a federal or state crime. Basically, I think homosexuals should be allowed to be homosexuals with at least as much peace and comfort as, say, Muslims or Christians exist.

Thanks, Anon.
