February 06, 2009


Ok. I'm just going gaga over this, so I decided to put it up there. *points to top of page eagerly*

Anywho, if you REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want to know how to do this, put a comment in with twice as many exclamation marks as you'd use in requesting a Twinkie. Or not. Anyway, if you want a tutorial, I'll need tons of enthusiasm, because making one is...rather hard...



ErinS said...

It's ruddy awesome.

But I don't think I could survive a tutorial. *g*

But still. *likeths immensely*

Anonymous said...

I thought it was that evolution thingy, yaknow, going from a tadpole to caveman to man and theeen....back down again....

Or maybe it's how you see someone in the rear view mirror.

Or a troop of boy scouts with perfect timing.


Иơαħ said...

Yeah. Ami thought of that too, and I almost laughed my head off...
